Fretmentor Teaches Music Classes


in Palm Beach County, Florida


Community Education Classes


Upcoming Spring Schedule




Registration for all community education classes are the responsibility of the Palm Beach County School system and the music student. Fretmentor provides instruction through the following schools throughout the year:

For registration details for these upcoming classes, contact


Palm Beach Adult & Community Education via


or..Click The PICK to go directly to their site:


Classes Begin on September 9th & 10th, 2019

(each class is held weekly for 8 weeks)


New For Fall 2019 In Jupiter


I am pleased to announce that the following classes will be offered 


starting  September 9th & 10th, 2019:


Location: Jupiter Community High School

Register directly at 500 North Military Trail, Jupiter Florida 33458


Phone 561-743-6012


Residents will also be advised in the mail through the Palm Beach Community Educator newspaper later in the summer.  Registration for Classes are through the Palm Beach County School System:

Monday Classes

4:30-5:30 Ukulele for Children

5:40-6:40 Ukulele for Adults

6:50-7:50 Banjo - Learning to Play 5-String Banjo

8:00-9:00 Introduction to Mandolin


Tuesday Classes

4:30-5:30 Children's Guitar

5:40-6:40 Adult & Teen Guitar

6:50-7:50 Music Theory & Appreciation

8:00-9:00 Blues & Rock for Guitar, Banjo, Mandolin & Fiddle














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