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Under The Double Eagle Guitar Standard Music & Tablature
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- Description:
This file contains the Guitar's standard musical notation and tablature for the song Under the Double Eagle in the Key of C. This file is in tef. format with a computer generated midi file that can be heard with Tabledit's free viewer.
- Submitted By:
- David Jakubiak (Administrator)
- Submitted On:
- File Size:
- 2.84 Kb
- Downloads:
- 147
- License:
- Copyright 2010 by As a user you agree to download one copy of this file for your individual instructional use. No copying or distribution of any kind is permitted without the express written consent of
- File Author:
- Jakubiak
- Submitted On:
- Rating:
- Comments:
- Lawrence Holllar 2010-08-10 17:25:41 Hello David, I am a new member and would like to learn how to gain access to the Under the Double Eagle tab. Thank you
- Ronnie Achterberg 2010-08-21 14:23:43 How Can I get Under The Double Eagle Lesson for Guitar. Ron
- David T. Ragsdale 2010-09-22 11:32:05 David Ragsdale : Dito to Lawrence Holllar. Thanks
- joe loyd 2011-10-14 17:07:27 Dave, no download option on this one. Joe
- Ray Crist 2016-03-04 16:53:30 I hope this works, they say the third time.....
- Lynn Hageman 2016-04-25 22:40:14 Dae Iam in Weds class and do not have this on thumb drive you gave me Would like to download as it is one of the songs for WEDs lynn